Fakultet za menadžment Metropoliten univerziteta u Beogradu je organizovao 25. maja 2017. godine Drugu međunarodnu naučnu konferenciju: Innovation, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development (ICSD 2017, Belgrade).
Za ovu konferenciju, Tatjana Mamula, direktorka agencije Masmi je pripremila rad kreiran u saradnji sa Barbarom Blažanin na temu neuromarketinga: „Da li kupujemo racionalno ili impulsivno? Šta se zaista događa u umu potrošača i šta nam neurotehnologija otkriva?“
U nastavku možete pročitati izvod a kompletan rad na engleskom jeziku je dostupan za preuzimanje.
Neuromarketing is complementary to traditional methods which are based on verbal reports – it presents an approach that sheds light on new aspects of psychological phenomena, basically – consumer behaviour of an individual. Proponents believe that neuromarketing techniques such as EEG and eye tracking shed light on the unconscious, emotional processes which are the main aspect of consumer behaviour. On the other hand, we know that conscious, cognitive processes play an important role in the control of emotions. Therefore, the main research question is – how does consumer behaviour (under the influence of conscious or unconscious processes) impact cognitive and emotional factors. Analysis of existing research have led to the conclusion that consumer behaviour is always, to some extent, influenced by both the conscious and unconscious processes as well as emotional and cognitive factors. For this reason, so as to make a full analysis of the tested phenomena, the multimedia aspect is a must. The Theoretical standpoint of MASMI research agency , based on the use of the Brainster EEG based Neuromarketing platform represent a combination of traditional methods and neuromarketing, which provide answers to various issues on the attitude of consumers towards advertising.